Hoooooly crap the last few weeks have been nuts…

So, you may have noticed, the comic went on an unexpected hold for a while. I’m sorry about that, really.

To put it simply, my computer had decided to start self-destructing for about a week before finally becoming unusable for anything but briefly transferring files from the hard drive to an external drive to save them. I attempted to make due with a loaner laptop from a friend, but art proved difficult with it, as the one she had to lend me was a Mac. And I’ve been a PC loyal for ten years.

The computer itself worked fine enough, but getting certain programs that I’m used to using working with my files was just incredibly tedious. This along with the inability to properly fix the computer I already had meant I needed to get a new one… but! I have it now. And… it’s better!

Did you know that an SSD is actually really good? Because my technologically illiterate ass didn’t!


Anyway, I’m able to work now and pages are resuming as normal! Episode Three will post one page a week, Patreon updating as pages are finished (2-3 pages per week for now). The Episode One Kickstarter is just about completely fulfilled, as well! Physical copies and PDFs of the print version of the episode are now available through my Gumroad store!


If you want a copy of the episode complete with bonus content ONLY available in the compiled version, go check it out!
(International Shipping available)